Chapter 1. はじめに


これは佐藤が SGML を理解することを目的として作成している文書です。 SGML の設定や DSSSL のプログラミングのためのダミー文書ですので、 内容はあまり意味がありません。

Figure 1-1. 画像表示の例

このページのソースは、佐藤 が DocBook DTD + DSSSL を Jade で処理して HTML ファイルを生成する ことに興味のある方向けに公開しているものです。 特に権利は主張しませんのでご自由にお使いください。 どのような目的で利用されるのか興味があるので、 もしよろしければ教えて頂けると幸いです。

文書を build するには、Makefile.dsssl を使って

% make -f Makefile.dsssl [FORMAT=format]

とします。 format は sgml, tex, rtf の出力フォーマットが指定できます。 FORMAT= は省略可能で、省略した場合は SGML (HTML DTD) で出力されます。

Figure 1-2. 使用している DSSSL スタイルシート

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % output.html   "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print  "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % lang.ja       "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % lang.ja.dsssl "IGNORE">
<![ %output.html; [
    <!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
<![ %output.print; [
    <!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>


   This is DSSSL stylesheet for DocBook DTD
   with Norman Walsh's Modular DocBook Stylesheets

   Created by Hiroki Sato <>


<style-specification use="book">

;; ja-l10n
<![ %lang.ja; [
(define %html-header-tags% '(("META"
                              ("HTTP-EQUIV" "Content-Type")
                              ("CONTENT"    "text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp"))))

;; HTML specific configuration      
(define %root-filename% "index")
(define %html-ext%      ".html")
;; if you want to use CSS1 stylesheet, activate this.
;;(define %stylesheet%    "docbook.css")

(define %use-id-as-filename% #t)

;; Generate HTML 4.0
(define %html40% #t)
;; attribute of body element
(define %body-attr% (list (list "lang" "JA")))

(define ($html-body-start$) (empty-sosofo))
(define ($html-body-content-start$) (empty-sosofo))
(define ($html-body-content-end$) (empty-sosofo))
(define ($html-body-end$) (empty-sosofo))

;;(define ($html-body-end$)
;;  (make sequence
;;    (make element gi: "div"
;;          attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
;;          (make element gi: "p"
;;                (literal "フッタ")))))

;; The following is obtained from:
;; > $Id: dbbibl.dsl,v 1.23 2000/07/19 18:40:06 nwalsh Exp $
;; >
;; > This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution.
;; and modified for Japanese name order convention.

(define (author-string #!optional (author (current-node)))
  ;; Return a formatted string representation of the contents of:
  ;; AUTHOR:
  ;;   Handles Honorific, FirstName, SurName, and Lineage.
  ;;     If %author-othername-in-middle% is #t, also OtherName
  ;;   Handles *only* the first of each.
  ;;   Format is "Honorific. FirstName [OtherName] SurName, Lineage"
  ;;   returns (data corpauthor)
  (let* ((lang (attribute-string "role" (select-elements author (normalize "author"))))
         (h_nl (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "honorific")))
     (f_nl (if (equal? lang "family-given")
                   (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "surname"))
                   (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "firstname"))))
         (o_nl (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "othername")))
     (s_nl (if (equal? lang "family-given")
                   (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "firstname"))
                   (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "surname"))))
         (l_nl (select-elements (descendants author) (normalize "lineage")))
     (has_h (not (node-list-empty? h_nl)))
     (has_f (not (node-list-empty? f_nl)))
     (has_o (and %author-othername-in-middle%
             (not (node-list-empty? o_nl))))
     (has_s (not (node-list-empty? s_nl)))
     (has_l (not (node-list-empty? l_nl))))
    (if (or (equal? (gi author) (normalize "author"))
        (equal? (gi author) (normalize "editor"))
        (equal? (gi author) (normalize "othercredit")))
     (if has_h (string-append (data-of (node-list-first h_nl)) 
                  %honorific-punctuation%) "")
     (if has_f (string-append 
            (if has_h " " "") 
            (data-of (node-list-first f_nl))) "")
     (if has_o (string-append
            (if (or has_h has_f) " " "")
            (data-of (node-list-first o_nl))) "")
     (if has_s (string-append 
            (if (or has_h has_f has_o) " " "")
            (data-of (node-list-first s_nl))) "")
     (if has_l (string-append ", " (data-of (node-list-first l_nl))) ""))
    (data-of author))))

<external-specification id="book" document="docbook.dsl">